Saturday 26 March 2011

Projection illusions

James Turrell is famous for creating the illusion of tangible objects with light (examples below).

Carrying on with my initial investigations into projection mapping, as mentioned in the previous post, I've been trying to create my own projection work in a similar vein to Turrell's.

Working with perspective, I tried creating the illusion of tunnels from the wall and the ceiling, although it's only rough at the moment. I'm not sure if it works that well.

Despite the tunnel effect not being as obvious as I'd have liked, I'm pleased with how the colours reflect onto each other and the surrounding area. The ambience is beautiful and introduces such a calm atmosphere into the environment. 

I also tried to create the illusion of one wall extending into an adjacent 'room', but this ended up appearing more as a 2D shape suspended in the corner.

I'm home for easter now, so more projection work to come when I get back to Falmouth in three weeks or so. 

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